Recently @ REFUEL

The highlight reel from teachings & teachers at REFUEL.

John Jenkins – Running with the Horses

Pastor John K Jenkins Sr. shares from Jeremiah 12:5,

5 “If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, Then how can you compete with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, How will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?

6:18 – my peers were not listening, at the young age of 15 my pastor licensed a teenager to the gospel. applied at church after church did not get the job.

7:17 – I quit applying – had 45 on easter. Drove 45 minutes each way. It was a difficult time. 55 miles each way.

8:22 – Saw other people having opportunities in ministry. Getting discouraged and jealous. Some of them were freed, and some were still in bondage? Asks Jeremiah, ask God why we are still in bondage? Righeous are you oh Lord. Why are those who deal so treacherously. Why is it that I have to worr

You are near in their mouths and far from their hearts. They are where they are because of you. But as soon as church is over, they are back to their nasty selves. These people know how to perpetrate and pretend.

13 – Pull them out like sheep for slaughter. They are persuaded that the blessing for them ended up on their neighbors doorstep. Think to ourselves that


I am convinced that God will never send my mail to someone elses addresses…You should celebrate because God is in the neighborhood.

15:02 –

15:45 – God does not judge the wickedness of the wicked people. but the wickedness of so called Christians. It is the church people who are shacking, it is the church people subscritibng to the porn websites.


Worship will always cost you something, but there is a huge reward!  Tweet Quote

Dave then shared a story of an escort (prostitute). She started coming to their Bible studies. However, she continued prostituting herself for 7.5 months after getting pregnant with her 2nd child. After a while she said, “I cannot get enough of God. I love the Lord.” Once this happened and she decided she wanted to follow Jesus, Dave asked her to get a new phone. He said, “If you love the Lord, I am going to ask you to get a new phone. I know you have hundreds of guys who can get you with a text or phone call.” Remember…Following Jesus is going to cost you something. What she was hearing was, “following Jesus may means giving up 200 dollars an hour for around 8 dollars an hour.” She sent Dave and his wife a text this last Saturday and said, ‘My old life is so far behind me, I have no desire to go back. I’d like to be baptized, can we talk about that?” Dave stated, “What was the value of that cell phone? It was priceless.”

Dave conclude, “True love is priceless…Giving up that cellphone, it was priceless.”

To see the whole message from REFUEL Conference please click here.