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The highlight reel from teachings & teachers at REFUEL.

Kevin Myers – What on Earth is God Doing?

Pastor Kevin looks at the life journey of Joseph beginning at the young age of seventeen. Joseph was his father Jacob’s favorite son. His father had influence and affluence, a wealthy land owner in Israel. Joseph had a sense of God putting a dream in his life. Kevin explains, Joseph tells his brothers he has a vision from God. But no one got excited when his vision included his standing…everyone else bowing. The next thing that happened in the story? Jospeh ended up in the pit, sold into slavery. Joseph had to wonder, “What on earth is God doing?”

Kevin transitioned to sharing from his own experience, a moment when he asked, “What on earth is God doing?” After launching a church plant with 104 people. Over the next 4 years he turned that into a church of 82. By the 4th year he was asking “What on earth is God doing?” By that point, they had lost their house, their cars, their health insurance & their son was in the hospital. One of the most humiliating things in his life was asking his wife to go back to work. It was a place of being stripped of everything.

Kevin explained that God allowed Joseph to experience the potential death of the dream God had given. He was stripped of family, relationships, resources, his coat of many colors & everything he could have used to make the dream happen by his own strength.

God was moving him from self-reliance to reliance.  Tweet Quote

Kevin concludes the clip discussing maturity. As babies, we are born fully dependent on our parents. A parent’s responsibility is moving our kids toward independence. Few of us understand how God grows us up to spiritual maturity, and it works completely opposite. We are spiritually born as independent from God as possible. We grow until we are fully dependent on Him. In the gospel of John, Jesus says, “Apart from me you can do nothing.”

There is no God-sized dream without God in it.  Tweet Quote

To see the whole message from REFUEL Conference please click here.