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The highlight reel from teachings & teachers at REFUEL.

J.D. Greear – The Church Tomorrow!

J.D. Greear casts a fresh vision for growing the Kingdom of God, not just the church, in a post-Christian culture. One especially potent phrase is…

I am not a prophet…but in the future we are going to see a small group of flashier and flashier mega-churches fighting for a larger piece of a rapidly shrinking pie of bored Christians…The key for the future is sending capacity not seating capacity.

The key for the future of the church is sending capacity not seating capacity.     Tweet Quote

He also quotes the historian Steven Neal – “Nothing is more notable than the great anonymity of the first pioneers of the Christian movement, the 3 great church planting centers Rome, Antioch and Alexandria, they were just planted by regular people who carried the gospel with them.”

Empowering the believers within the walls of your church building to be the church in their community is the only way to bring the transformative message of the Gospel. This was part of the REFUEL 2014 to see the full message click here.