Jimmy Carroll – His Mission, Your Mission
During REFUEL 2013 Jimmy Carroll explains the stunning plan of making His mission, your mission.
Carroll says, “Jesus was now around the age of 30. He chooses twelve men, and invites them to come follow [Him]. These 12 men are going to have a front row seat to see the miracles and to hear the teachings. They are going to see firsthand who He is and why they are He came. [The disciples] are going to hear Him say some really really crazy things like, “I have come to seek and save the lost.” “I am the way, the truth and the life” “If any man wants to come to the Father, he has to come through Me.”
Continuing, “All twelve of them said they would give their lives for Jesus…Their beliefs were put to the test and by their actions they showed that they were not all in… What they said that night was, ‘Jesus, we don’t believe in you and your mission enough to die for you.'” “Over the next 40 days He would appear to His followers. He does the unthinkable, He takes His mission and He gives it to them. History tell us that His early followers understood…Saying ‘yes’ to following Jesus was synonymous to pouring out your life to help others to follow Jesus.”
Saying ‘yes’ to following Jesus is synonymous to pouring out your life to help others to follow Jesus.
“They took the Gospel around the world. It was not because they had a bunch of mega-churches… They understood, ‘The mission is not just entrusted to us, it is entrusted to me.’ … These early followers had a personal commitment. They understood that saying yes to following Jesus was synonymous to pouring out your life to help others to follow Jesus at all costs.”
However, Jimmy warns, “What began as a moment of following Jesus at all costs has today become a social club of Christian consumers, who not only would not give their lives, but would not walk across the street to see the lost follow Jesus. Today’s Christians see the Mission as optional and we have lost ground. Today, there are billions who are not followers of Jesus, many do not even know who He is.” “Our cities are filled with buildings that say church on the outside but they are no longer on mission. The majority of our churches have turned inward. The mission is redefined as ministering to Christians as opposed to making disciples…sharing with the lost… There is no sign of life change, people are not being transformed.”
These are the same questions: Who has been entrusted with His mission? Who is the church? The church is you, you are the church. The solution to the lostness in our cities, nation, and world is not just us… it’s you! We have to get back to the time when believers, followers of Jesus would accept and embrace ‘my personal responsibility’ to help people find and follow Jesus.
Carroll concludes with, “You have got everything that those early believers had… It is the exact same mission, it is the exact same Holy Spirit. When you read the book of Acts… You have that same spirit in you! ‘We’ is always better than ‘me’. But, come on, you’ve got to accept this with me. ‘We’ has got to stop being a substitute for ‘me’!”
‘We’ is always better than ‘me’. But ‘we’ has got to stop being a substitute for ‘me’!
To see the whole message from REFUEL Conference please click here.